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IFK Uruguay Grading test

On Saturday October 6th, 2018, as part of the Grading examination weekend

with over 15 students taking their exam, four members of IFK Uruguay attempted new Dan grading under the eye of IFK Uruguay Country Representative, Sensei Germán Carballo 4th Dan.

Senpais Noelia Fabre and Santiago Mosco after over 3 years as Shodan were successful in their Nidan (2nd Dan) grading.

Also taking their Shodan (1st Dan) were Alvaro Nuñez and Gonzalo Bentancur, who successfully took the rank of black belt becoming Senpais.

October examinations continue next Saturday October 13th, with 20 students from Soriano Department taking their new Kyu grade exam, followed by the 9th Anniversary of our Hombu Dojo, the “Estribo Dojo” in Montevideo.

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