USA IFK shared with us:
“We Fight On” Tournament took place at Fighting Spirit Karate, Gardiner, NY USA
It was a brilliant success! We were able to pull together 100+ competitors and spectators during one of the most trying times in human existence. The excitement, the sense of shared common purpose, and camaraderie, along with the SKILL, were palpable and energizing.
Thank you to all the Shihans, Sensei, Sempai, Kohai, judges, coaches, instructors, staff, and families that made it happen! We appreciate every single one of you, and we appreciate your ability to “Fight On!” Osu!
Your continued vigilance in helping to set a clear, SAFE tone to the world that we all can work together & operate and push forward felt like a massive victory for Kyokushin Karate. If mutual respect, brother/sisterhood, and caring for one another are at the core, anything is possible.
We ensured the safety of all, and WE FIGHT ON!
We’ll see you in Atlantic City on Sat., Jan 29, 2022, for Battle on the Boardwalk III.