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Tensho by Mas Oyama (video)

Tensho is one of the older, more fundamental katas.


Tensho kata: Its origins are based on the point and circle principles of Kempo. It was heavily influenced by the late by Chojun Miyagi and was regarded as an internal yet advanced Kata by Oyama. The name means “rotating palms” and is regarded as the connection between the old and modern Karate.

Tensho is a kata originating from Goju Ryu karate. Translated, it means “revolving hands”, “rotating palms”, or “turning palms.”. This kata emphasizes the soft aspects of Goju Ryu, and encompasses continuous, flowing movements. Tensho, along with its harder counterpart sanchin, and it was developed by Goju ryu founder Chojun Miyagi from earlier Chinese forms and Tensho may be a variant of the Southern Chinese Kung Fu form Rokkishu.

Mas Oyama performed Tensho kata (1974)

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