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One of the greatest samurai that ever lived, Miyamoto Musashi, created a bunch of rules to live by. Born in 1584, he was a...


Full contact is a demanding and exciting martial art that requires a lot of dedication and discipline to master. If you are interested in...


During warm-ups, someone might let out an unexpected fart, leading to some giggles and embarrassed looks from their training partners. When practicing punches, someone...


Kyokushin Karate has a rich tradition and a unique terminology that reflects its Japanese roots. Understanding these terms is essential for any practitioner, as...


Karate is better than fitness to improve Adults’ reactivity, stress tolerance, and attention A study published in the Journal of Sport and Health Science...


 Which is right?! In written English you might have noticed with “せんぱい” the Japanese hiragana character “ん” sometimes  gets written as “n,”  like in “senpai,”...


One of the most unusual and hard things for both students and parents to adjust to when beginning martial arts training is the etiquette...


“Fudō-dachi” Sensei calls. We all move into stance and yell “OSU”! “Seiza”! We step back and down into a formal kneeling position. First at our hips....