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The martial arts can be divided roughly into two groups: empty-hand arts and weapons arts. There is an endless argument within each group about...


Karate Kyokushin is a martial art practiced throughout the world. It differs from other styles of karate by having, in its rules of competition,...


Ladies, want to know the secret to getting strong and healthy? It’s simple – make the decision to pick up martial arts and train regularly. Pair...


Work-related stress has unfortunately become a norm for many people no matter where they are in the world. Limited resources, long hours, demanding deadlines,...


Karate Training Begins at 50? “Oh but real Karate training begins at 50,” Kancho Royama said. It was in Capetown, South Africa, and Shihan Hennie Bosman was...


We all know that by the 1990s when Sosai was alive, and Kyokushin achieved such enormous popularity, all Kyokushin tournaments, including the world tournaments...


Contact Kicks Martial Arts page shared their training session videos: They do training much more than just karate! Our kids practice and learn drills for...


Today, July 27 the Kyokushinkai community celebrates the birthday of Sosai Mas Oyama. He was born in Korea and at birth was named Choi...


Have you ever noticed if you reverse the first two characters of Aikido what you get? Kiai! And it’s no coincidence. These two characters,...