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On May 10, 2025, Leipzig, Germany, will host the 7th IFK World Championship in full-contact Kyokushin Karate, On May 10, 2025, Leipzig, Germany, will host the 7th IFK World Championship in full-contact Kyokushin Karate,


On May 10, 2025, Leipzig, Germany, will host the 7th IFK World Championship in full-contact Kyokushin Karate, a landmark event bringing together the global...


Winter Camp in Etne 06.02.25 – 09.02.25 (Norway) The Winter Camp in Etne was conducted in the same manner as the past 20 years,...


At the end of the fight gala night, four fighters received individual prizes for their fighting spirit and outstanding performances. The International Gala Fight...


Four knockouts and three Bulgarian victories blew the minds of combat sports fans On 22 February the Palace of Culture and Sports in Varna,...


Shihan Ivo Kamenov (Bulgaria) was awarded to Kyoshi Shihan Rokudan by Kyokushin Shogakukai Foundation President Yoshiharu Umeda and Kyokushin-kan Kancho Hatsuo Royama on March...


APPLICATION for participation in the Open Championship of Gomel on Kyokushin-kan Karate-do “Kyokushin-Friendship Without Borders” Date: April 20-22, 2018. Place: Palace of Sporting Games, Irininskaya Str....


Dear friends! KWU wishes you very Happy Easter! May health, happiness, love and prosperity be always with you! OSU!


“Gantan Keiko” in Hasuda branch. Keiko means training! In Japanese, New Year is called “oshougatsu”, and the very first day of the year is...