Dear colleagues! These days we can observe many cases, when KWU logo is used without any notification of KWU office. Kyokushin World Union finds...
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At the end of the fight gala night, four fighters received individual prizes for their fighting spirit and outstanding performances. The International Gala Fight...
Four knockouts and three Bulgarian victories blew the minds of combat sports fans On 22 February the Palace of Culture and Sports in Varna,...
Watch SENSHI 25 Live and enjoy another unforgettable night of world-class martial arts! SENSHI 25 will unite top international fighters in spectacular matchups, delivering...
The first day of the SENSHI camp in Varna, Bulgaria, was marked by exceptionally high intensity, offering participants a priceless opportunity to refine their...
Dear colleagues! These days we can observe many cases, when KWU logo is used without any notification of KWU office. Kyokushin World Union finds...
The Summer Camp of Armenian Kyokushin karate headed by Andranik Hakobyan, the president of Armenian Kyokushin karate, was held this year on July 18-24...
Kentouryukai – IFK Kyokushin Karate Brazil participate of winter training session. Yes, Winter, because now is this time of year in Brazil. Attendance of...
The first practice was held at the Kyokushin-kan General Headquarters new dojo on July 24 President Royama, Shihan Okazaki, Shihan Ishijima, Shihan Kobayashi and...
On Friday 22nd July 2016, the summer training camp was successfully held at Satu Kandow rocky mountaineering area in southeast region Gardez city Paktya...
Last weekend 23-24th of July 2016, Kyokushin-kan Japan organized training camp for kids. 360 young future champions took a part on this big event....
The Uruguayan Kyokushin Kai Association (A.K.K.U.) is pleased to present and would like extend the invitation to its 2017 Summer Camp
British Kyokushinkai karate (BKK) thanks to all that took part at our SENI2016 event held at the O2, on Saturday 16th of July 2016...
14-17 July in Krakow, Poland was held 43. The East European Summer Camp with the participation of 280 karatekas and coaches, including about 30...
IFK Russia hosted their Summer camp in Moscow on the 8th to 12th July under the direction of Hanshi Steve Arneil with the assistance...