Throughout July and August, the All-Ukrainian Summer School in KYOKUSHIN KWF 2020 was held under the leadership of the National Representative of KWF in...
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On May 10, 2025, Leipzig, Germany, will host the 7th IFK World Championship in full-contact Kyokushin Karate, a landmark event bringing together the global...
Winter Camp in Etne 06.02.25 – 09.02.25 (Norway) The Winter Camp in Etne was conducted in the same manner as the past 20 years,...
At the end of the fight gala night, four fighters received individual prizes for their fighting spirit and outstanding performances. The International Gala Fight...
Four knockouts and three Bulgarian victories blew the minds of combat sports fans On 22 February the Palace of Culture and Sports in Varna,...
Throughout July and August, the All-Ukrainian Summer School in KYOKUSHIN KWF 2020 was held under the leadership of the National Representative of KWF in...
The Armenian National Kyokushin Karate Federation always works. Since it is our division, if the plan does not work, change the plan, but never...
Summer seminar 2020 with Shihan Andre Drewniak 9.dan KWF General Secretary and other Polish Shihans and best fighters will be held in Krakow, Poland...
On the 11th of July, the day that normally the famous Papendal KWF Summercamp would have started, Dojo Kyozumi has organized a great beach...
The 22nd summer seminar in Portugal under the supervision of Shihan Antonio Pereira 6.dan will be held August 6-9 in Mindelo.
At the meeting of the KWU Ukraine Coordinating Council (protocol No.5 dated 06/22/2020) was taken the decision of agreement to join All-Ukrainian Association Kyokushin...
Seminar with Sensei Emma Markwell will be held on 28-30 August For contact, please check out the emails on the poster.
Kyokushin-kan Honbu’s online International Instructors Seminar will be held on July 31, Aug 01, 02, 2020
Mansurov Marcel – Magomedov Omar, All-Russian qualifying tournament for the 3rd KWU World Championship 2017
Dear Hanshi, Shihan, Sensei and Senpai NEW DATES FOR THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP