Kyokushin Karate, renowned for its rigorous training and full-contact sparring, has made a significant impact on the world of martial arts, particularly in the...
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Shihan Ryu Narushima (成峻 竜, Narushima Ryū) is one of the most famous practitioners of Kyokushin karate. Though of small stature (1.70 m), he...
Founded by a Legend Kyokushin Karate was founded in 1964 by Masutatsu Oyama, a martial artist famous for his incredible strength and discipline. The...
On February 17, 1964, Mas Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin Karate, brought over three of his fighters to the famed Lumpinee Stadium in Thailand...
Fight of Andy Hug against Vladimir Klementyev at the 5th Kyokushinkai Karate World Championships 1991. The fighters met in the 3rd round. Enjoy!
Kyokushin Karate, renowned for its rigorous training and full-contact sparring, has made a significant impact on the world of martial arts, particularly in the...
Uchi-deshi (内弟子, lit. “inside student”) is a Japanese term for a live-in student/apprentice who trains under and assists a sensei on a full-time basis....
Kyokushin Legendary fights and Rivalries: Andy Hug vs Francisco Filho in 1991 5th World Open Tournament and then 1997 K1: Dream Enjoy.
This video shows Sosai Mas Oyama teaching basic training at the Sohonbu.
Ready to witness the action firsthand? Head over to our YouTube channel and immerse yourself in the exhilarating world of martial arts training with...
Andy Hug was a karate and kickboxing champion from Switzerland who rose to fame in Japan by winning the pro world title in seidokan...
Shihan Ryu Narushima is emphatic that sports shouldn’t be treated like an unpleasant part of a person’s daily chores. They should just be a...
Get ready for another amazing Summer Camp! We’re thrilled to announce that some of the most esteemed martial arts masters will be joining us...
On July 5th, in the framework of the 17th KWU International Summer Camp, the KWU World Cup for men and women in the open...
The seventh clash of the SENSHI 7 fight card saw Bulgaria’s Petar Stoykov squaring off against Ukraine’s Bohdan Baziuk. The WAKO PRO European title...