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A legend beyond the Ring, Ernesto Hoost, one of the most iconic names in the world of kickboxing, continues to leave a lasting mark on the sport. A legend beyond the Ring, Ernesto Hoost, one of the most iconic names in the world of kickboxing, continues to leave a lasting mark on the sport.


A legend beyond the Ring, Ernesto Hoost, one of the most iconic names in the world of kickboxing, continues to leave a lasting mark on...


Female samurai warriors, known as “onna-bugeisha,” were a rare but remarkable phenomenon in medieval Japan. While the term “samurai” is often associated with male...


Both styles are different on a contact level. Kyokushin karate believes more in full-body contact, this ranges from medium to hard contact during sparring...


Watch SENSHI 25 Live and enjoy another unforgettable night of world-class martial arts! SENSHI 25 will unite top international fighters in spectacular matchups, delivering...


Uchi-deshi (内弟子, lit. “inside student”) is a Japanese term for a live-in student/apprentice who trains under and assists a sensei on a full-time basis....


Kyokushin Legendary fights and Rivalries: Andy Hug vs Francisco Filho in 1991 5th World Open Tournament and then 1997 K1: Dream Enjoy.