KWU Varna Cup 2017. Ferry Wortman (Netherlands) vs. Angel Vecov (Bulgaria). Final -80kg
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Andy Hug was a karate and kickboxing champion from Switzerland who rose to fame in Japan by winning the pro world title in seidokan...
Fredrik Hjelm: “Andy Hug – My friend, my mentor and role model – in the ring, as well as in life – is not among...
World Kyokushin Champion Sensei Andrews Nakahara has stepped into the role of instructor at The Kyokushin World Union (KWU) Professional League`s training camp in the...
A person alone cannot reach the highest level. Especially in martial arts. I was very lucky to be surrounded by good people and I...
KWU Varna Cup 2017. Ferry Wortman (Netherlands) vs. Angel Vecov (Bulgaria). Final -80kg
Every year since the beginning in the 1990, the Federation Kyokushinkai of Russia has been organizing the All-Russian Summer camp under the direction of...
KWU Varna Cup 2017. Pavel Fefelov (Russia) vs. Eltaj Humbatov (Azerbaijan). Final -75kg
Kentouryukai – IFK Kyokushin Karate Brazil Facebook page published videos from the 5th IFK World championship 2017 with their fighters, who took part on tournament
Here is the promised video of all 40 fights of Sensei Zahari Damianov in his 4th Dan exam at the 11th KWU Summer Camp,...
Watch here the Interview with Hanshi Steve Arneil IFK Kyokushin published on their official Facebook page video interview with Hanshi Steve Arneil. OSU!