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5 Reasons Your Martial Art Sucks

Martial arts of any kind are really considered a niche kind of ‘sport’. So we can assume that… not everyone likes it. Here are some reasons why

1. You Don’t Learn How To Fight.
You don’t. Face it, whatever martial art you are practicing, when you let yourself in an MMA cage fight or a Kickboxing match: you’re most likely-screwed. You can’t fight, it doesn’t work.

2. There’s A Huge Imbalance When It Comes To Diversity.
Now, this might be local of course, but mostly the amount of male participants is (way) higher than females’. The demography is mostly better with the children, but it’s rarely 50/50.

3. You Don’t Earn Any Respect.
You thought getting into martial arts would finally land you some real respect and people would start treating you like a human being that is, in fact, awesome? Think again.
If they have even HEARD of your martial art and you don’t have to spend ten minutes explaining it, then you still get smacked in the face with the fact that people think martial arts are only for nerds who need help sticking up for themselves.

4. It Leaves You Bruised And Beaten.
I remember having to run back and forth to the coffee corner at my work to get another batch of wet towels to cool my extremely bruised finger, 4 days before my black belt exam. A bit awkward to say the least, especially since your sweet co-workers will ask what’s up.

5. It’s A Real Commitment.
There are people who just come in once a week to do their thing and that’s it. That’s fine, but if you really want to get somewhere and earn that black belt you have to invest. I trained 4 to 5 times a week for before I earned my black belt. I saw my training partner more than my actual partner. Naturally, that took a lot of understanding from my partner, not everyone can do that.


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