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KWUCAMP 2018: Arrival of teams and meeting of instructors

And here we are starting…

July 1, 2018 is the day the teams arrive, they are accommodated, also have emotional meetings with old friends, Senseis had instructions, and all say Hello to the Black Sea.

The day ended with a meeting of Senseis, Shihans and instructors.

Greeting said Shihan Andre Drewniak, Shihan Asen Asenov and Shihan Ramil Gabbasov. Sensei Prolet Vasileva talked about the camp schedule and soccer tournament for kids and men and women 🙂

The XII KWU International summer camp will be held from 01.07.2018 to 08.07.2018 in Kamchia, 34 km to the South of Varna, Bulgaria, with main Instructors: 

Kancho Hatsuo Royama – 9 dan
Shihan Andre Drewniak – 9 dan
Shihan David Pickthall – 7 dan
Shihan Alexander Tanushkin – 7 dan
Shihan Marin Mitev – 6 dan
Shihan Ivo Kamenov – 6 dan

See the pictures from today:

We wish all amazing camp week and good luck to all who will participate on Varna Cup, Professional fights and on exams. Osu!


KWU-VARNA-CUP-Cadets-03.07.2018 DRAW


Follow @KWUNION in social networks for interesting videos, pictures and news Facebook Instagram / Twitter/ VKontakte  and IGTV

#KWUCAMP 2018 all news HERE

Downloads camp’s schedules:  Schedule – English  /  Расписание – Russian

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