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KWUCHAMP 2017: Second day of judicial seminars

Today all KWU Judges and Candidates for judging

watched and discussed finals from the 2nd KWU World Championship (Khabarovsk, 2015)


The candidates for judging took an active participation in discussing of the judges’ decisions, which were taken on the previous KWU World Championship. This exercise was done for the first time and everyone shared the opinion that it was very helpful in solving the second tests.

After a short break, there was a practice part with two students, who were playing different situations, which can happen during the bout, and the judges had to take their decisions and explain them.

The Deputy Supreme Judge – Shihan Ramil Gabbasov shared that he is really happy with these two days, but there is still work to be done. On seminars participate 59 judges from 24 countries.

You can watch online “events from the kitchen” on our Facebook page: @KWUnion



All NewsKWUCHAMP 2017 

Official website of the 3rd KWU World championship among men and women in weight

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