18 – 21 July 2019 at the facilities of the Academy of Physical Education in Krakow
took place 46. KWF Eastern European Summer Camp Kyokushin with 290 participants from 8 countries including Russia, Turkey, Germany, Israel, Serbia, the Czech Republic, and Ukraine.
The main trainers were the President of KWF Antonio Pinero 9 dan and the National Representative of the United States, Lesław Samitowski, 7 dan from Chicago. The program was supervised by the Secretary of the KWF Andrzej Drewniak. The program of the day included a morning warm-up and 3 two-hour training sessions.
Training sessions of the Polish national team group was conducted by trainers: Robert Wajgelt, Wacław Antoniak (WKF trainings) and Maciej Sokołowski. The medical insurance was provided by a Krzysztof Mawlichanów MD.
On Friday evening, in the Justyna Hotel was held a meeting of the Polish Kyokushinkai Organization with the participation of 62 branch chiefs and Shihan A. Pinero, Shihan A. Drewniak, Shihan W. Antoniak and the President of Polish Karate Federation Maciej Sokołowski. The invited guest was the President of Polish YMCA Adam Goncerz.
The participants discussed the most important problems of Kyokushin and PKF and the situation in the world karate. On Saturday afternoon, examinations for dan and kyu took place with the participation of all Shihan present at the camp. In the evening there was a Sayonara combined with a cabaret contest. This year the NT group led by Robert Wajgelt’s Shihan won the first place.
On Sunday morning, the kumite exam for dan and kyu took place over an hour. This was followed by a photo session and the handing over of 52 certificates for dan. The organizer of the annual East-European summer camp Kyokushin is the Polish Kyokushinkai Organization headed by Shihan Andrzej Drewniak. The next Eastern European camp is planned for July 16-19, 2020.