Federation Kyokushin Russia will hold the All-Russian Kyokushin Festival on 28-31.01.2022 in Moscow.
The Chief Judge: Shihan Alexandr Alymov
Deputy Chief Judge: Vitaly Popov
Chief Secretary of the competition: Evgenia Bragina
Deputy Chief Secretary: Maya Belova
The Chairman of the organizing committee: Sergey Uvitskiy
Organizing committee address: 105005, Moscow, st. Radio, house 7, building 1, office 413. e-mail: kyokushin-sport@yandex.ru
Preliminary applications for participation in the tournament are accepted until December 23, 2022, by e-mail: kyokushin-sport@yandex.ru.
In this article:Federation Kyokushin Russia, IFK, karate, KWF, KWU, KWU Russia, KWUnion, Kyokushin, Kyokushin-kan, Martial Arts