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Hungarian national qualifying championship 2017

Hungarian National qualifying championship will be held on 25th February, 2017

the official qualifying championship for the 3rd KWU Kyokushin World Championship in Tokyo, Japan.

Date: 25th February, 2017
Place: H-6400 Kiskunhalas, Hungary
Organiser: Shihan József Borza 6.Dan
Main patron is Shihan Kálmán Furkó 7.Dan
Online registration:

Kyokushin Karate MB – 2017 Versenykiírás

This Championship is the Official Hungarian Championship with the licence of the Hungarian Karate Organisation (MKSZ) and it’s open for all Hungarian Kyokushin organisations.

Please read KWU Hungary declaration

[bctt tweet=”The official Hungarian qualifying championship for the 3rd #KWUCHAMP, Tokyo 2017″ username=”kwunion”]

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