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IFK Uruguay held its final annual meeting

On December 16th, 2018, IFK Uruguay held its final annual meeting

to review the 2018 program and define the agenda and priorities for 2019. The meeting was chaired by Sensei Germán Carballo, President of A.K.K.U. (Uruguayan Kyokushin Kai Organization) and IFK Country Representative in Uruguay.

IFK Uruguay

Attendees included:
– Senpai María Rocío Gonzalez – A.K.K.U. Secretary
– Senpai Santiago Mosco – A.K.K.U. Vice-president
– Senpai Noelia Fabre – A.K.K.U. Treasurer
– Claudia López – A.K.K.U. International Contact
– Senpai Mario Hornos – Coordinator for Soriano
– Senpai Maite De León – Coordinator for Canelones
– Senpai Gozalo Díaz – Coordinator for Salto

First item in the agenda was the report on the 2018 plan, which was successfully completed; followed by administrative matters, including goals for 2019.

The meeting continued with key highlights of the agenda, including:
– 8th IFK Uruguay Summer Camp, to be held in March 2019
– IFK World Seminar and Kata Championship in April 2019, with IFK Uruguay attendance and participation already confirmed.

Additional activities with dates to be scheduled included:
– National Tournament
– Kuro Obi and Kiu exams
– Kuro Obi special training sessions
– Regional seminars
– Referee training sessions

2019 Agenda will be communicated soon!


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