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IFK Uruguay National Tournament 2018

On Sunday August 5th, the IV I.F.K. Uruguay National Tournament

was held in the Praga Club facilities in Mercedes City

IV IFK Uruguay National Tournament

Over 70 athletes from several cities across the country took part, competing in different categories: Kata, Kumite against a sandbag (6 – 9 years old) & Kumite Knockdown -juniors, cadets and adults- according to official I.F.K. rules.

The Tournament was declared of State Interest by the Municipal Board of Soriano, and was a qualifying instance for the I.F.K. Under-21 South America Tournament to be held in November in Montevideo City, Uruguay.



Kids (White – Blue belt)
1° Victoria Villano (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
2° Rafael Alvarez (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)
3° Ruben Quesada (IFK Yantsu Dojo)

Kids (Yellow – Green belt)
1° Kevin Vidal (IFK-Kanku Dojo)
2° Denis Lazarga (IFK-Kanku Dojo)
3° Alan Lazarga (IFK-Kanku Dojo)

Adults (White – Blue belt) 
1° Fátima Parra (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
2° Mauricio Nesteruk (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
3° Guillermo Parra (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
4° Donato Sena (IFK-Sai Dojo)

Adults (Yellow – Green belt)
1° Claudia López (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
2° Joaquín Mesa (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
3° Juan Pablo Bianchi (IFK-Dojo Estribo)

Kids – Kumite against a sandbag

6 & 7 years old
1° Tatiana Nesteruk (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
2° Avril Carballo (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
3° Santiago Rosso (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)

8 & 9 years old

1°Santiago Cuenca (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)
2° Lautaro Lafranchi (IFK-Kanku Dojo)
3° Brandon Bermuedez (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)
4° Nahuel Picherno (IFK-Dojo Estribo)

Kumite Knockdown Juniors & Cadets

10 & 11 years old

1° Ezequiel Rodriguez (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)
2° Aragon Gavarone (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)
3° Luciano Lemos (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)
4° Enrique Acosta (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)

12 & 13 years old
1° Rodrigo Gomez (Kyokukaikan Dojo Coetc)
2°Gabriel Fernandez (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)
3° Martín Machado (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)

14 & 15 years old
1°Guzmán Centurión (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)
2° Joaquín Castro (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)
3° Leonardo Sabella (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)

16 & 17 years old
1° Nahuel Filippini (WKB Hombu Dojo)
2° Jonathan Funez (IFK-Yantsu Dojo)
3° Ian Lugo (Kyokukaikan Dojo Coetc)

Kumite Knockdown – Adults absolute category

1° Gonzalo Bentancur (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
2° Yonathan Perez (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
3° Brian De Los Santos (WKB Hombu Dojo)
4° Raúl Rodriguez (IFK-Dojo Estribo)

Special mentions:
Tameshiwari (highest number of broken boards in the adults semifinal instance): Gonzalo Bentancur (IFK-Dojo Estribo)
Best technique of the tournament: Brian De Los Santos (WKB Hombu Dojo)

Chief Referee: Sensei Germán Carballo,

Shushinis: Senpai Santiago Mosco, Senpai Noelia Fabre and Senpai Mario Hornos.

Fukushins & Arbitrators: Senpais Gonzalo Díaz, Maite De León, Cesar Acosta, Jonathan Fúnez, Matías Laíno, Martín Rucci, Claudia López and Matías Arenas.

Senpai Rocío Gonzalez y Florencia Muniz.

Dojos that participated in the tournament: 
Yantsu Dojo (IFK-Mercedes) Instructor: Mario Hornos
Kanku Dojo (IFK-Dolores) Instructor:  Mario Hornos
Dojo Estribo (Montevideo) Instructor: German Carballo
Sai Dojo (Montevideo) Instructor: Richard Giordano
WKB Hombu Dojo (Montevideo) Instructor: Gustavo Matos
Dojo Coetc (Montevideo) Instructor: Walter Urruzola
Chugi Dojo (IFK-Salinas) Instructor: Maite de León
Tameshiwari Dojo (IFK-Salto) Instructor: Gonzalo Díaz

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to make this event possible. Until the next one!


I.F.K. Kyokushin Uruguay
A.K.K.U. Asociación Kyokushin Kai Uruguay.

IV IFK Uruguay National Tournament

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