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We have the pleasure to invite you to KWF NORWAY SUMMER CAMP


from Thursday 27th June to Sunday 30th June. We will have a great time and enjoy karate training in lovely surroundings and with top class instructors.

Shihan Loek Hollander, 10 Dan, is the Honorary President of KWF and is a legend within Kyokushin karate. He trained directly under Sosai Oyama, and was considered Sosai’s “son”. He was one of the pioneers who helps build up karate in Europe, Russia and the rest of the world.

Shihan Lars S. Høgquist, 7 Dan, introduced Kyokushin to Norway in 1969. He is Norway’s highest-grade Kyokushin practitioner (7th) and was one of 4 founders of the Kyokushin World Federation (KWF) and is still the Treasurer of the KWF international organization.

Shihan Fernando Perez, 6 Dan, is from Zaragoza, Spain. He is a student of Shihan Antonio Pinero and these two have trained together for many years. Shihan Fernando is extremely technically skilled and has always created many super talents in Spain. He also speaks fluent English. He is always responsible for the judging panel during all the World Championships and European Championships organized by EKF / KWF / KWU. In addition, he has written a book about our techniques.

Shihan Paul Lorist, 5.Dan, from the Netherlands comes as a guest instructor for our summer camp! He started practicing karate at the age of only 12 years and currently has 5.dan. He has a great talent in karate and is a recognized teacher in martial arts. In addition to the activities in his own gym, he is active for the Dutch Karate Kyokushin Kai Organization (NKKO).

Shihan Tommy Edvardsen, 5.Dan, has trained karate since 1982 and is currently president of KWF Norway. He has helped started up Alta, Vadsø, Kautokeino and Kvænangen karate club, and today he runs Alta karate Club

What makes KWF summer camp one of the absolute best in Europe?

We think much comes from the joy and enthusiasm that the instructors share among themselves. The instructors train closely to practitioners and show mutual respect. As well as remarkable karate skills at all levels, we promise a pleasant social environment, where we can guarantee that you will make many new friends and experiences.

For more details please visit us on: 

Download: Summercamp_2019_english-information

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