On behalf of the entire Kyokushin-Kan USA organization,
we would like to invite you to the very first seminar in America by legendary Kyokushin-Kan leader Kancho Hatsuo Royama. This Seminar will be held in the beautiful community of Vero Beach, Florida May 24-26th 2019.
Don’t miss this opportunity to train with Kancho Royama, assisted by Shihan Ishijima, Shihan Hennie Bosman, Shihan Hamid Asna, Shihan Tom Callahan and Sensei Taku Yokozawa.
Please go to www.kyokushin-kanusa.com to register now for discount!
For any questions please contact
Sensei Omar Campora
General Secretary Kyokushin-Kan, USA
1-772-812-2015 omarcampora@hotmail.com
Shihan Tom Callahan
Chairman Kyokushin-Kan USA/ International Secretary
1-310-418-1384 shihancallahan@gmail.com
In this article:Kancho Hatsuo Royama, karate, KWU, KWUnion, Kyokushin, Kyokushin-kan, Kyokushin-kan USA, Martial Arts