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Kumite seminar in Southern Poland

On September 26, 2020, the 4th Kumite seminary of the Lesser-Poland District Karate Association (Małopolski Okręgowy Związek Karate) was held at the Zakopane Sports Center with participation about 70 karateka from 11 clubs in southern Poland (Nowy Sącz, Nowy Targ, Limanowa, Wieliczka, Bukowno, Skawina, Kraków, Zakopane, Niebieszczany, Skała, Biecz) belonging to various kyokushin organizations (including Kyokushin World Federation, IKOMatsui, SosaiPolska, SOKyokushin).

The seminar opened with the speeches of the President of MOZK Robert Kopciowski, KWF secretary general Andrzej Drewniak, vice-president of MOZK Andrzej Krawontka, and secretary of MOZK Arkadiusz Sukiennik. The warm-up and training on behalf of the organizer sensei Grzegorz Popiołek 3.dan from the Tatra Karate Kyokushin Club were led by Polish vice-champion sensei Paweł Karcz 1.dan.

Another aspect, hour-long fights in age groups, filmed from a drone in order to make a promotional film about Kyokushin, was supervised by sensei Krzysztof Kopciowski 3.dan. It is worth mentioning that in the event was also attended by the managers of southern Polish karate centers: sensei Ewa Pawlikowska 4.dan (Nowy Targ), Sławomir Rudawski 4.dan (Bukowno), Andrzej Kaganek 3.dan (Skawina), Łukasz Sękiewicz 2.dan (Skała), and Anna Czaban 2.dan (Niebieszczany ).

After the fights, a photo session was made the event officially ended. Osu!

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