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KWF Australia participated on 40th AKKA National tournament

KWF Australia showed quality fighters on the 40th AKKA National tournament!

Hamid Zandi first place in the middleweight open division and Yuki Gonlin, second place in the green belt and under division on second day.

On the first day of the 40th AKKA National tournament, with 6 competitors, KWF fighters won a total of 10 medals (5 gold, 2 silver and three bronze).

All competitors had at least one placing each and had competitors in 4 of the non contact divisions. They won two divisions, and came third in one of the divisions and two equal thirds in the other (all big divisions with around 30-40 competitors in each of the divisions) KWF Australia competed in 6 contact divisions and won three divisions and got two second places.

All results:
Ava McCann: gold non contact, gold contact
Sienna Williams: gold non contact, silver contact
Cullen DiMattina:gold Contact, bronze non contact
Keigo Gonlin: gold contact
Lillah Francis: silver contact, bronze non contact

Sebastian Rayk: bronze non contact.australia kwf

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