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KWF France camp 2022

KWF France spring camp was held from 26 to 29 of May, 2022 at Sportica (Gravelines city).  Under direction of Shihan Jérôme de Timmerman with guest instructors SShihan Paul Lorist and Sensei Jeroen Zeegers (Netherlands) and the French Staff: Sensei Christophe Laigle, Sensei Charley Quinol and Sensei Matthieu Morelle.

Kihon, kata, kumite, stamina, self-defense in the purest respect of Kyokushin traditions, recovery in the swimming pool or in the form of hypnosis or morning scrubbing on Gravelines beach… A high-level KWF Grades test with the complicity of Shihan Paul Lorist. A sayonara party bowling in a perfect warm and supportive atmosphere! All the ingredients were there for a superb 2022 edition! The appointment is already made for the next formula in winter training in November 2022.


Shihan Jérôme de Timmerman

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