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KWF Summer Camp Portugal 2019

This is Kyokushin.

Great atmosphere and valuable learning, the focus of the approximately 50 students attending the longest seminar in the history of summer camps in Portugal, 5 days.

The 2019 Summer Seminar was held in Árvore, Vila do Conde between 6 and 11 August and organized by AKP (Kyokushinkai Portugal Association) with the technical guidance of shihan Antonio Pereira, KWF representative in Portugal and Brazil.
Special guest of this summer camp shihan Grondin Pierre KWF representative on Réunion island.
Attendees that honored this field, Luis Pinto de Viana de Castelo, Luis Silva, Jorge Ferreira, Mário Silva representative KWF Angola and Hugo Andrade de Matosinhos.

To the Program in these 5 days of Kyokushin study: Syllabus; Kihon, Ido, Kata, Bunkai, Kumite, Goshinjutsu.
The first 24 hours of the seminar were reserved for Brown Belts and Dans.
The surprises of this seminar came from the very interesting work by Shihan Grondin Pierre on “Bio Energy”, Taichi and Chi Kong. The presence of Mestre Hugo Andrade was the opportunity to deepen Taekwondo’s leg work.

We ended with the Antonio Marafona (1st Dan Kyokushin) tibetan tongs and tongs show on Saturday night.
Sunday morning served for the already traditional and famous water training on the beautiful beach of Mindelo.
This was the seminar “Summer 2019”. Train 4 times a day, be awakened at to do 30 fights, mountain training, beach training and finish with a 6 hour black belt exam session.

Text by shihan Antonio Pereira 5.DAN KWF CR in Portugal and Brazil.

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