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KWU European Championship among men and women in weight categories 2021

Dates of keeping: December 2th-5th, 2021

Conditions of access to participation: Representatives of national federations, who have passed national qualifying championships with calling in all interested groups of Kyokushin in a particular country at the age of 18 years old with a style qualification not less than 4th kyu and 1 fighter from each country in each weight category.

Applications are accepted by e-mail address:
Contact phone numbers:
+359 88 9907857 Aleksandra Marinova (English),
+359 88 4996666 Viliana Bozhilova (Russian)

The original applications along with all the necessary documents are provided by the team representatives to the credentials committee.

General rules: The competitions will be held by the rules of KWU, which are posted on the official website:

Judges: The official list of judges will be approved by KWU from among the accredited judges of KWU and published on the official website – Those wishing to attend the seminar on December 3th 2021 in Varna must apply via email with the indication “judging seminar” in the subject line. All expenses are paid by the judges wishing to participate.

The main judge of the European Championship is Shihan Ramil Gabbasov, 5th Dan, Russia.

Anti-doping control: Winners from 1st to 3rd places will go through a doping test in accordance with the rules of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 

Weight categories and composition of teams:

Amount of fighters and composition of teams:
– official coach of the team;
– fighters – up to 1 person from a country in each weight category.

Men (18 years and older, kumite): 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95+ kg
Women (18 years and older): 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 70+ kg

The quota for WKO Shinkyokushinkai: The competitors from WKO Shinkyokushinkai, who wish to participate in the KWU Kyokushin European Championship among men and women in weight categories, should contact their Branch Chiefs, who would inform about this request the WKO Shinkyokushinkai Headquarters.

Financial conditions: The entry fee will not be charged to the participants of the competition.

KWU covers the following charges:

  • Accommodation of approved judges in double rooms of the accredited hotel from December 2th to December 5th (full board)
  • Accommodation for fighters in double rooms of the accredited hotel from December 2nd (start with dinner) to December 5th (full board)
  • Lunch for fighters on the days of the championship (December, 4th– 5th)
  • Flights Sofia – Varna – Sofia for judges approved by KWU;
  • Transfer for fighters and approved by KWU judges along the route: Varna airport -hotel – Varna airport, as well as to the sports hall and back in the days of the competition.

Full information, schedule of the competition, all necessary documents you can find in attached files in English and Russian:

Deadline for applications: November 1st, 2021

Provision KWU European Championship 2021

Положение Чемпионата Европы KWU 2021

Stay safe! See you in Varna!

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