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KWU Events

KWU Summer Camp 2022: Provisions

KWU International Summer Camp is held according to the calendar plan of the Bulgarian Karate Kyokushin Federation for 2022 with the purpose of:

  • strengthening the friendship between members of the KWU international organizations;
  • enhancing the level of mastery of participants (participants must be 14 y.o. and older, prize-winners of international and national championships with the qualification of 6 kyus and higher);
  • enhancing the level of coaches;
  • conducting kyu and dan tests to assign new style qualification ranks to athletes.

Date and venue KWU International Summer Camp will be held in 03 – 10.07.2022

03 July – arrival and accommodation of teams
04 July – judging seminar
04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 July – training days
05 July – KWU World Youth Cup for juniors (14-15 years old), juniors (16-17 years old), and cadets (18-21 years old)
09 July – exams for kyu/dan and 12th Gala evening of the KWU Professional League SENSHI;
10 July – departure of teams

Venue of the KWU International Summer Camp: Kamchia, 34 km to the South of Varna.

Please send application forms to the Organizing Committee by email –

Deadline for final application: 17.06.2022

Financial conditions:
The organizers cover the costs:
1. Participants of the KWU WORLD YOUTH CUP, one (1) coach per country, one (1) KWU national representative per country – accommodation, food, transfer (03.07.2022 airport Varna – Kamchia, 10.07.2022 Kamchia – airport Varna)

2. KWU official judges – accommodation, food, transfer (03.07.2022 airport Varna – Kamchia, 10.07.2022 Kamchia – airport Varna)
* Judges who are not official KWU judges and wish to attend the seminar can apply by e-mail: with “judging seminar” in the subject line. The judges themselves must book a hotel and all expenses – accommodation, meals – the judges pay on their own.

3. Participants of the KWU International summer camp – only transfer (03.07.2022 airport Varna – Kamchia, 10.07.2022 Kamchia – airport Varna)

Participants of the International Summer Camp should contact the sanatorium-health complex Kamchia office to book and pay for the hotel accommodation.

Contacts for booking:
+359894480792 | |
САКВОЯЖ ООД – Bulgarian language
SACVOYAGE Ltd – English language

Bungalows Camping “Paradise” – 356 places – +359899155481 

“Oasis” Apartments – 90 places – +359879204660 

Park Hotel “Kamchia” – 70 places – +359879022889 

PROVISIONS and application forms:

Provision of KWU International Summer Camp 2022

Provision of KWU World Youth Cup 2022

Положение по кубку мира KWU

Положение по лагерю

See you in Kamchia. OSU!

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