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KWU Events

KWU World Cup Varna 2023

Organizers: KWU and BKKF

Date and venue: 04.07.2023 /Thuesday/, Kamchia, 34 km to the South of Varna.

Conditions of access to participation:

Participants must take part in all activities of the KWU International Summer Camp in Kamchia.  

Juniors (14-15 years old) and juniors (16-17 years old) – Representatives of national federations selected at national championships with the invitation of all interested Kyokushin groups in a given country, aged from 14 to 17 years with stylistic qualifications of at least 6 kyu and up to 3 fighters in a weight category from a country are allowed to participate in the competition.

Cadets (18-21 years old) – Representatives of national federations selected at national championships with the invitation of all interested Kyokushin groups in a given country, aged from 18 to 21 years with stylistic qualifications of at least 6 kyu and up to 3 fighters in a weight category from a country are allowed to participate in the competition.

The organizers reserve the right to change the schedule of the competitions, taking into account the actual number of participants.

Applications for participation:

Deadline for applications (attachment № 1): June 9th, 2023
Please send application forms to the Organizing Committee by emailing

The organizers will provide:

To all competitors in the KWU WORLD CUP OPEN CATEGORY and KWU WORLD CUP VARNA – one coach per country, KWU national country representative* – accommodation, food, and transfers from and to the airport Varna (02/07/2023 Varna airport – Kamchia, 09/07/2023 Kamchia – Varna airport).

 *If competitors from a given country participate in both competitions, the Organizers bear the costs of transfers, accommodation, and food for one KWU national representative and 2 coaches (one per competition).

For XVII KWU International Summer Camp participants**only transfers from and to Varna airport (02/07/2023 Varna airport – Kamchia, 09/07/2023 Kamchia – Varna airport). Participants in the XVII KWU International Summer Camp are required to contact a representative to make their reservation and pay in advance for their stay.

**For information regarding the cost of staying at camp for participants, please get in touch with us at We can provide you with more details about accommodation and payment options.

Judges: The national representatives who will participate in the XVII KWU International summer camp will be included in the judging brigades of the competitions. The uniform of the judges of the competition: dogi and belt.

Awarding of champions and prizewinners:
Champions and prize-winners (1st-3rd places) in the age categories 14-15 years and 16-17 years are awarded medals and diplomas as well as cups of corresponding grade.

Champions and prize-winners (1st-4rd places) in the age category 18-21 years are awarded medals, diplomas, cups of corresponding grade, and cash prizes:

1 place 5 000€ 
2 place 3 500€ 
3 place 2 000€ 
4 place 1 000€ 

1 place 3 500€
2 place 2 500€
3 place 1 500€
4 place 1 000€

Prize money will be paid by bank transfer to an account provided by the winner. 

Anti-doping control: Winners from 1st to 3rd places will go through doping tests in accordance with the rules of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

The quota for WKO Shinkyokushinkai: The competitors from WKO Shinkyokushinkai, who wish to participate in the KWU World Cup Varna for juniors (14-15), juniors (16-17), and cadets (18-21) should contact their Branch Chiefs, who would inform about this request the WKO Shinkyokushinkai Headquarters.

General rules: Competitions are held according to KWU rules, which are posted on the official website –

Full Information and Application Forms: Provision World Cup Varna 2023

Information about:

Provision World Cup Varna 2023 14-21yo

Положение Купа Варна 14-21

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