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Kyokushin-kan Hellas-Greece “KAVALA CUP”

Dear Shihans, Senseis, Sempais and Students,

Kyokushin-kan Hellas-Greece organization is honored to invite you to the

International Kyokushin-kan Hellas-Greece “KAVALA CUP”, Kavala, GREECE, 04 November 2018


Organizer: “A. C. Martial Arts Kavala –  Kyokushin-kan Kavala Greece”

Address: parodos Filellinon – Kavala

Contact mobile : +30 6948240367 , Karkalis Konstantinos sensei

E-mail: Site: Facebook page Kyokushin-kan Kavala Greece


Regarding the competition:

The aim of the Tournament: To call together the Kyokushin Karate styles independently from the world organizations, to evoke friendship and brotherhood and to choose the best junior (boys-girls), senior (boys-girls), men and women fighters of this tournament.

Location:, Closed Stadium Kalamitsa (Alexandra Dimoglou), Tenedou 96-98, Kavala city, Greece.


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