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Message from IFK Uruguay

Dear members of IFK Uruguay. We have lived a very intense year.

Message from IFK Uruguay

From the end of 2016 until the beginning of this year and reached goals that seemed very difficult to fulfill. The challenge of the 6th Summer Camp with Shihan David Pickthall, our participation in the 5th World championship I.F.K. In Romania, the Annual Knockdown Tournament in Soriano and the 1st South American Knockdown Tournament in Sao Paulo were some of the most outstanding activities we form part as hosts or delegation.

On behalf of the I.F.K. in Uruguay I want to thank the support of the A.K.K.U.´s board for the planning, to the instructors for their work and the enthusiasm, And for each student and their family thank you very much for the great team that we formed to complete these challenges and fulfill the goals that we set for ourselves.
The following year, other challenges await us, new activities that will help consolidate our Association in our country.

I would like to take this opportunity to greet you and thank you once again for the joy and enthusiasm that you put into each of our activities.

Also, I would like to thank Hanshi Steve Arneil for his guidance and all the Shihan, Senseis, Senpais and students of the world who make the I.F.K. a great organization

Sensei Germán Carballo
4th Dan – Uruguay C.R.

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