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Norway Wintercamp 2019

Dear Kyokushin Friends,

Here is the invitation to NKKO – Norway Wintercamp 2019.

Instructors at the camp will be:

Shihan Javier Lezcano, 6.Dan (Spain) – KWF
Shihan Geir Havreberg, 5.Dan (Norway) – KWF
Shihan Tom Sølve Erga, 5.Dan (Norway) – KWF
Sensei Pablo Estensoro, 4.Dan (Spain) – KWF
Sensei Darren Stringer, 4.Dan (UK) – IFK
Sensei Emma Markwell, 3.Dan (UK) – IFK

The camp is open to all styles and organizations.


Best wishes from Norway.

Geir Rune Toege
Norwegian Kyokushin Karate Org.
Country Rep KWF

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