Winter Camp in Etne 06.02.25 – 09.02.25 (Norway)
The Winter Camp in Etne was conducted in the same manner as the past 20 years, with instructors from Norway, Spain, and Romania and participants from all over Norway, Romania, and Spain. The camp is open to everyone, so there were coaches and practitioners from several organizations. The camp was organized by Shihan Geir Havreberg from Etne Kyokushin Karate Club, with great help from wonderful parents. A big thank you to everyone who helped during the camp.
The instructors were:
Shihan Javier Lezcano, 7th Dan, Spain
Shihan Cristian Boldut, 5th Dan, Romania
Shihan Geir Havreberg, 5th Dan, Norway
Sensei Pablo Estensoro, 4th Dan, Spain
We had over 100 participants aged 9 to 75 years, and everyone enjoyed the fantastic winter weather. We had a training session by the fjord near the center of Etne, where we took pictures after training. Many appreciated the nice sun and temperature. Unfortunately, several of the registered participants could not attend due to illness. We wish them a speedy recovery and hope they will be back in training soon.
We started on Thursday evening and concluded on Sunday at 1:00 PM with lunch and departure for a satisfied group that promised to return next year. The training at the camp was mostly based on sparring, but also kata and basic techniques for kata and sparring. The most important aspect of the camp is the motto we work by: “Together we are better.” We also held a memorial for Fredrik Bjørnestad, who tragically was taken from all of us in the Kyokushin family, and especially from his immediate family, in an accident 8 months ago.
It was an honour that his father, Sensei Rune Bjørnestad, came and held an honourable memorial during the camp, allowing us to show respect for Fredrik and what he stood for in life and as a practitioner. It was a strong but also very nice moment. Thanks to Father Rune and his family, who have support from all of us. Life can be tough, but together, we can get through a lot. Together, we are better. If anyone wants to see and read the speech and watch the film by Rune, they can go on Facebook and search for Rune Bjørnestad’s profile.
The raw material for NKKO was also awarded, and it went to senpai Hans Kristian Åsheim Havreberg. The reason was his good results nationally and internationally, and not least that he, with his behavior, is a good role model for many. Congratulations. A big thank you to everyone who helped make the camp what it was, and we will see you next year in Etne.
Text by Shihan Geir Havreberg