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Norwegian Wintercamp 2017

Dear friends,  here is information regarding the Norwegian Wintercamp in January 2017

The camp is open to all Kyokushin organizations.

Norwegian Wintercamp

Kyokushin Wintercamp in Etne, Norway will be held on 26.-29. January 2017

This is the place to practice KYOKUSHIN KARATE, its “TIME TO BE UNITED”

The first session starts Thursday 26th, at 20:00 in our Kyokushin Dojo, the accommodation will also be there the first night. Friday we will move to our great “Skakkesenter” with great facilities for training. Accommodation will be at the local school close by. Also this year we are so privileged to have our friend and great instructor Shihan Javier Lezcano from Spain and Sensei Pablo Estensoro with us. One of the absolute best Kyokushin instructors.

[bctt tweet=”Norwegian Wintercamp 2017 is open to all #Kyokushin organizations” username=”kwunion”]

Head of instructions will be:

  • Shihan Javier Lezcano 5th Dan (Spain)
  • Sensei Pablo Estensoro 4th Dan (Spain)
  • Sensei Geir Havreberg 4th Dan
  • Sensei Tom Sølve Erga 4th Dan
  • Sensei Geir Rune Tøge 3rd Dan (President NKKO)
  • Sensei Odd-Kjetil Liland 3rd Dan (National Coach)
  • ++ more will come

National Fighting Team: The Norwegian National Fighting Team will be present and train at the camp. The National Coach Sensei Odd-Kjetil Liland 3.rd Dan. will lead the sessions for the Fighters, and candidates (+ potential candidates)

Training:  There will be instruction in Basic/Kihon, Kata, Kumite/Fight at many levels, and some training theory and principles which is very important in Kyokushin karate

Invitation to Kyokushin Wintercamp in Etne 26-29. January-2017

Norwegian Wintercamp in Etne 2017

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