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Recap: XI Spanish Wintercamp 2024 – A Snowy Martial Arts Adventure

The XI Spanish Wintercamp, held in the picturesque setting of Villanua, Huesca-Spain from March 1st to 3rd, 2024, was an exhilarating martial arts experience. With 120 eager participants, the event showcased a blend of tradition, skill-building, and outdoor adventure.

Throughout the camp, attendees immersed themselves in a series of classes aimed at enhancing their proficiency in kihon, kata, and kumite. From refining fundamental techniques to mastering intricate forms, there was something for every level of practitioner.

One of the highlights of the Wintercamp was a special training session conducted on the snow-covered terrain. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, participants embraced the unique challenges posed by the wintry conditions, adding an element of excitement and camaraderie to the event.

Leading the charge was Shihan Fernando Perez, 7th Dan KWF, whose expertise and leadership set the tone for the entire Wintercamp. Assisted by a team of skilled instructors including Shihan Jose Antonio Garcia, Shihan José María Dorado, Sensei Manolo Moreno, and Sensei Edu Giner, the camp delivered a comprehensive learning experience that left a lasting impression on all who attended.

Looking ahead, the anticipation for future editions of the Wintercamp is palpable. Mark your calendars for March 7th to 9th, 2025, as the tradition continues, promising another unforgettable weekend of martial arts training, camaraderie, and adventure in the breathtaking surroundings of Villanua.

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