Despite coronavirus crisis Chicago Dojo Kanku of Shihan Leslaw Samitowski operates with almost no break organizing regular training in the dojo, outside in a forest/park and on line. Additionally, Shihan Leslaw also organizes this year, as usual, annual Karate Kyokushin summer camp in Knox, Indiana from June 21st till June 28th (7 days)
Over 40 ppl will attempt the camp from Kanku Dojo. Because of this year tournaments are canceled, during the camp, Shihan L. Samitowski will keep the focus on kihon, kata and bunkai aspect of kihon and kata as self-defense but of course, it will be everyday training with fighting skills, sparrings and a lot of cardio training with emphasizing of Kyokushin Spirit of OSU! It’s gonna be 3 training a day, night training and of course a lot of fun!