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Summer camp of the NKA-IFK Netherlands

During the weekend of Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th of September, the annual summer camp of the NKA-IFK Netherlands has taken place.

This year it was held in the National Sports Centre Papendal. Around 9 o’clock on Saturday morning, all 150 participants arrived and checked in, a busy training schedule was waiting for them. The first training started at 10 o’clock where the guest instructors were introduced, Shihan Felix Ntumazah and Sensei Darren Stringer. Most of the participants were already familiar with Sensei Darren Stringer who has been the guest instructor multiple times before. Besides Shihan Felix and Sensei Darren, Shihan Jeff Whybrow also attended the camp as a special guest.

Both Saturday and Sunday were filled with multiple training sessions where the karatekas were given smaller sessions kata, combinations on pads, and kumite with different instructors. Even though the stay was in a hotel this time, the special night training could not be missed. So at 1 o’clock at night on Saturday, all karateka’s gathered to take part in the final session of the day.

Due to the COVID pandemic, the annual grading for the higher grades had been delayed for some time. For almost 30 karateka’s their grading could finally take place during this camp. On Saturday evening, all karateka’s grading for 1st Dan or higher had to take their technical kata grading and on Sunday morning it was time for all karateka’s grading for 1st kyu. On Sunday afternoon – after lots of tough sessions – the final kumite and stamina grading took place. All karatekas gave their best, while the other participants, family, and friends supported them – it was a very beautiful and respectful atmosphere. After a quick shower, it was time for the grading ceremony, and unfortunately, after that, time to say goodbye.

We again want to thank Shihan Felix Ntumazah and Sensei Darren Stringer for their contribution to this great camp. Congratulation to all candidates who passed their grading (see the list below). We would especially like to congratulate Shihan Stephano Blokland who was promoted to 5th dan.

Stephano Blokland (Nintai) 5th Dan

Kelvin Tienstra (Bushido) 3th Dan

Erwin Idema (Da Graca) 3th Dan

Bart Spijkhoven (Noritsu) 2nd Dan

Ferry Wortman (Sushiho) 2nd Dan

Gerald Adam (Ikigai Dojo) 2nd Dan

Max Katzmann (Bushido) 1st Dan

Sofie Katzmann (Bushido) 1st Dan

Damian Pronk (Kazoku) 1st Dan

Dennis Slockers (Noritsu) 1st Dan

Chelsea Kerklaan (Nintai) 1st Dan

Kelly Lans (Nintai) 1st Dan

Leroy Stenhuys (Da Graca) 1st Dan

Danny Schleicher (Da Graca) 1st Dan

Matias Araujo (Hokori Meiyo) 1st Kyu

Anjay Bansraj (Da Graca) 1st Kyu

Barhram Dehghan Kohan (Da Graca) 1st Kyu

Shrahram Dehghan Kohan (Da Graca) 1st Kyu

Mischa Kruze (Da Graca) 1st Kyu

Iraisha Madaran (Da Graca) 1st Kyu

Quinten van Melzen (Da Graca) 1st Kyu

Rick Maijer (Shiai-jo) 1st Kyu

Sergio Stoop (Bushido) 1st Kyu

Danielle van Oers (Bushido) 1st Kyu

Ruben van der Loo (Noritsu) 1st Kyu

Indy Kooijman (Noritsu) 1st Kyu


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