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The 40th KWF Spanish Championship

April 4, 2020, in Premia de Mar (Barcelona, Spain) will be held the 40th KWF Spanish Championship (KWF)

Categories ONLY KWF Members:
10-11 years
Boys: -35, -45, +45
Girls: -40,+40
12-13 years
Boys: -40,-50, +50
Girls: -45, +45

10-11 years Boys & Girls
12-13 years Boys & Girls
14-15 years Male & Female
16-17 years Male & Female
+18  years Male & Female

Categories OPEN for all Organizations:
14-15 years
boys: -55,-65,+65
Female: -50,+50
16-17 years
boys: -60,-70,-80,+80
Female: -50,-60,+60
boys: -70,-80-90,+90
Female: -55,-65,+65
Senior (Over 21 years)
Me: -70,-80,-90,+90
Female: -55,-65,+65

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