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The Kumite Refereeing Rules of the Kyokushin World Union are approved

The meeting of the Executive Committee together with Judges’ Committee of KWU

Last has taken place last weekend in the Hilton Metropol Hotel (London)

The next matters of the agenda were discussed:

– Discussion and approval of Rules on conducting the competitions of KWU on kumite.
– Discussion and approval of the Regulation of the World Championship 2013 in Sofia.
– Discussion and approval of the symbolic of the World Championship 2013.

In the meeting have taken place the representative of IFK in membership of the Judges’ Committee of KWU Shihan Alex Karrigan; Shihan David Pickthall (IFK), President of IFK, Co-chairman of the Kyokushin World Union Hanshi Steve Arneil; Vice-President of the Kyokushin-kan Karate-do Organization Mr. Tsuyoshi Hiroshige; President of KWF. Co-chairman of the Kyokushin World Union Loek Hollander; member of the Judges’ Committee of the Kyokushin World Union from KWF Shihan Fernando Pérez; representative of the Russian Kyokushinkai Association in membership of the Kyokushin World Union Sensei Ramil Gabbasov; Secretary General of KWU Sergey Suvorov. Mr. Alexey Gorbilev, who has also taken active part in the meeting, has carried out great organization work. The main result of the meeting was the approval of the KWU Kumite Refereeing Rules.

After the introduction of the amendments the text of the Rules will be published on the official web-site of the Kyokushin World Union (KWU).

The number of decisions on the Order of conducting the 1st World Kyokushin Championship, which will take place on October 5-6, 2013 in the capital of Bulgaria – Sofia, has also been taken. Some decisions are truly of historical meaning. In particular, the number of weight categories were considerably increased (Men: -60 kg, – 65 kg, -70 kg, -75 kg, -80 kg, -85 kg, -90 kg, -95 kg, 95 kg+; Women: – 55 kg, – 60 kg, -65 kg, -65 kg, + 70 kg.).

The participants of the meeting have unanimously taken a decision that the unified national teams have to represent countries on the 1st World Championship of KWU by results of the selected national championships on the quote 1 participant from the country in the category.



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