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Training camp conducted by Puspalal Rokaya (KWF Representative in Nepal) in Bajhang district from September 10th, 2021 to September 16th was conducted continuously for...


IFK Uruguay held its 7th National IFK Kata Tournament – once again virtually given COVID-restrictions – on September 19th, 2021. Over 100 competitors participated...


Belgian Knockdown Championship – Ryo Dojo organizes for the first time the Belgian Knockdown Championship with the support of BFKK (IFK branch Belgium), Shinkyokushin...


KWU Gomel Cup 2021 International Kyokushin-kan Karate Tournament Among Men, Women, and Veterans in Weight Categories Dates of competition: October 28 – 31, 2021...


KWU Sakura Over Sozh International Junior Kyokushin Karate Kumite Competition Among 12-17 Aged Boys And Girls, Place: Gomel, The Republic Of Belarus Dates of...


The Cup of Montana for children, adolescents, men, and women Organazers: Shihan Nikola Blagoev (IFK CR) and Sports Karate club Montana Date: 6th November...