Many athletes and coaches believe that sport is played with the body and won with the mind. This being so, can the amount and...
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Many athletes and coaches believe that sport is played with the body and won with the mind. This being so, can the amount and...
Mental health is one of the biggest problems in the 21st century, and millions of people around the world suffer from issues such as...
Before committing to joining a martial art school, there are a few questions that are important to consider. These questions can help you determine...
Kyokushin is a popular form of martial arts that started in Japan in the mid-20th century. While it’s often associated with male fighters and...
Osu! Dear Shihan, Sensei and Sempai, You are hereby receiving the official invitation for the “KWF Tokio Cup 2023”, which will take place in...
Dear Shihans, Senseis, and Senpais practitioners of Full Contact martial arts, The IFK Romania has the honor to invite you to the 3rd edition...
USA IFK Summer Camp with Shihan Monaco Register here: *Each Registrant MUST order a “Separate T-Shirt/Size” For Each Person, They Wish to Have a...
The Welsh Open is a contact fighting tournament open only to UK and Ireland-based organizations and styles. U10, U12, U14, U16, U18, Veteran (45+),...
Uchi-deshi (内弟子, lit. “inside student”) is a Japanese term for a live-in student/apprentice who trains under and assists a sensei on a full-time basis....
Over 550 martial arts practitioners, coaches, and instructors from 29 countries from all over the world gathered in the sea capital of Bulgaria, Varna,...