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All posts tagged "IFK"


Dear Shihans, Senseis, and Senpais practitioners of Full Contact martial arts, The IFK Romania has the honor to invite you to the 3rd edition...


The Welsh Open is a contact fighting tournament open only to UK and Ireland-based organizations and styles. U10, U12, U14, U16, U18, Veteran (45+),...


Team Rosin Summer camp 2023 Invitation Purpose: Pre-season camp focused on mainly sparring and partner drills as well as general physical preparation. Participation requirements:...


IFK Bulgaria is happy to announce their annual International Summer Camp “Primorsko 2023” with special guests and main instructors Shihan David Pickthall and Sensei...


IFK Chile hosted their Summer Camp from 17-19 February in Casablanca under the guidance of Shihan David Pickthall. IFK members from Bolivia, Colombia, Peru,...