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We kindly remind you that any official information regarding Kyokushin World Union (KWU) events is published only on our website and social networks. Any...
Dear fans of martial arts, We are very sorry to announce that due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have to postpone our spring edition...
Secretary General of Kyokushin World Union (KWU) Shihan Alexandr Pichkiunov is 5th Dan in Kyokushin karate. Master of sports of international class in Kyokushin...
On the 15-16.02.2020 in Petrozavodsk (Karelia) there was held Specialised Kata competition training Seminar with Shihan Victor Fomin.
1st IFK World Weight Category Championships was held on 16-17 of May 1997 in Moscow, Russia Here are the draws, results and videos:
Generally speaking, when a karateka (karate practitioner) goes up against a muay thai fighter the karateka is usually going to be in for a...
The name of Greece’s Nicholas Pettas speaks for itself Arguably one of the top undersized Kyokushin karatekas whoever managed to have a successful career...
On March 23, 2020 Kyokushin-kan Afghanistan Nangarhar branch karatekas exam at Gardighous Afghan Atalaan dojo, let by Sensei Momand Maqbool shah. Congratulations to all!...