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All posts tagged "KWUnion"


On the uchi-deshi way, we should always seek to expand our knowledge and our capabilities. To try and cut yourself off from the world and...


IFK German Open Junior + U21 Championships 2022 will be held on September 24. 2022 in sports hall Parthelandhalle, in NaunhofAktivSport SAXONIA e.V. Organizers: IFK Germany Contact:...


SENSHI 11 in Varna, Bulgaria, began with a furious battle between Davide Pietrolini (Italy) and Aik Danielian (Russia). Both competitors didn’t slow down for...


Dear Country representative, Shihan, Sensei, Senpai IFK-Switzerland Kyokushinkai has the pleasure to invite you to the second  “IFK Kata World Cup” in Switzerland. We...