The illusive side splits. Wanted by all, had by few. There was a time… many, many years ago, that I could perform the side...
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The illusive side splits. Wanted by all, had by few. There was a time… many, many years ago, that I could perform the side...
Modern styles of self-defense and competitive fighting owe a large debt of gratitude to the various Japanese martial arts styles. Except for the Chinese martial...
Kickboxing legend Semmy Schilt will once again enter your homes and give you some valuable lessons. The elite fighting organization SENSHI gives you the opportunity to...
KWU International Professional League’s Chairman Shihan Ivo Kamenov is known for his sharp and efficient fighting and swords techniques.
Dear friends and colleagues! As you know, Kyokushin World Union and the Bulgarian Karate Kyokushin Federation have planned to hold the XIV KWU International...
Gichin Funakoshi was not the greatest karateka of all time. This might come as a surprise to many who train in Japanese karate, who...
“The 100-man kumite was known as the hardest discipline in karate,” Yamaki says in this exclusive video clip. “It was a smooth beginning, but...
Flying triple spinning tornado kicks are certainly impressive. Pull one off, and you’ll get a ticket to the cool kids’ table for sure. Just...
Tilov Arthur (Russia) -Yakovlev Ilya (Kazakhstan) The 5th Yamburg Cup Yamburg 2014.
Kickboxing legend Semmy Schilt will once again enter your homes and give you some valuable lessons. The elite fighting organization SENSHI gives you the opportunity to...